Monday, December 12, 2011

Zealous Hands

      Honestly, when I first registered a blog nine months ago, I had no idea why or what I would even be blogging about. I just knew I was inspired to be here for some reason. In my defense, though I have been incognito, my hands have been diligent little workers for about the last three months.  Solid. 
      My mom taught me to crochet years ago, and I've made a handful of decent items, but the craft just didn't hold my attention.  Almost exactly a year ago, my grandma gave me a little kit that had a few knitting needles and a booklet on how to teach yourself to knit.  So, I taught myself the basics: knitting, purling, casting on, binding off--doing a couple of rows at a time, then pulling them out and starting again.  I practiced a couple of times, then decided to actually make something that only included all of these techniques...but I couldn't just make any ol' dishrag.  So, I made a mum:
  Well, I had been so busy at the time with preoccupying a one-year-old and running three transportation businesses that I practically put down my needles indefinitely.  That was, until my grandma donated to me her huge knitting needle collection, so I had to put them to good use!  Since then, I can't make my hands stop.  I've made dozens of things trying to teach myself everything that I could possibly learn.  I am so thankful that God took advantage of my availability and has allowed me to learn quickly.  I have decided to start selling my own designs on my mom's website: and on Etsy.  I will post items very soon!

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